3-Week Comprehensive Detox and Energizer Program

Another appropriate name for it would be: the Burnout Buster!

The program provides thorough detoxification at the cellular and organ level, cleansing your liver, kidney, lungs, skin, lymph and connective tissue.

It was designed with the intention to provide a complete 'spring-cleaning' for body and mind - and is very successful with it, too. Its action is twofold as it combines the power of disease prevention with the power of rejuvenation.

Ozone and chelation sessions support and reinforce each in their in-depth cleansing action at the cellular level, eliminating both organic and inorganic waste from the system. Colon hydrotherapy and suggestions for diet modification help accelerate the process of elimination. Appropriate supplementation replenishes and rebalances the various micronutrients necessary for higher energy levels.

This is our most comprehensive program, short of an individual treatment course prescribed for healing a particular ailment.

It is meant especially for the many 'walking ill' from the concrete jungles of our modern urban environment: those feeling low in energy generally fatigued or, suffering from frequent allergies, flues, indigestion and a general and inexplicable sense of malaise - yet without a clear pathology.

In the course of the 21 days you will receive:

  • In depth initial consultation and Live Blood Analysis
  • Laboratory blood tests including your hormonal profile
  • 7 Ozone therapy sessions
  • 7 Chelation therapy sessions
  • 3 Colon hydrotherapy sessions
  • 6 Rectal ozone therapy sessions
  • 3 Coffee enemas
  • Nutritional supplementation on location plus supplements for two months to take home
  • Freshly ozonated water to drink per day
  • 3 One-hour sessions of bodywork, Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) or osteopathy as per need (these physical therapies however, are only available November 1st to April 15, every season)

I am only 38 years old, but four years ago already underwent bypass surgery. Still cholesterol was too high, despite the cholesterol-lowering drugs that I took. I was worrying. Then I heard of Dr. Shikha and Chelation. Upon her advice for 15 weeks, I took one Chelation treatment per week. I adhered to most of the doctor’s diet plan. She also gave me some pills that were not medicine, but supplements. After the treatment sessions were completed HDL and LDL levels had improved, and triglycerides were normal. I am a high school teacher. In class, I noticed that my mind worked faster and was sharper.