Taking My Own Medicine

Matthias Dehne posted on 17 December 2015
Here, you see me sitting in the treatment room of my clinic taking a nutritional drip.  Does that mean that I am ill?  No, it only indicates that I want to stay healthy.  Instead of waiting until I might eventually fall ill before doing anything about it, or before the disorder is in full bloom, I prefer to act by prevention.  I address imbalances and deficiences right away, when they are still in their infant stage.  This is far more effective, and, naturally, more cost effective, too.

Sometimes, clients feel strange when they se me sitting taking treatments while they do the same.  Then they get the point: If the doctor takes the same medicines as we do, she must have confidence that they work in the intended fashion; which increases their trust.

As a matter of fact, since establishing Healthy Healing Center Goa 10 years ago, I have checked out (tried on myself) pretty much all the infusions and procedures, from the simplest to the more complex, that I am offering to my patients - with the exception of only a few that make absolutely no sense in my case. I find this helpful for better understanding my clients' reactions, not to mention that these treatments are good for my body.  None of what is done at Healthy Healing can have any long-term negative side effect beyond, at the most, some temporary discomfort that is part of the healing process (like for example a detox reaction).

And this, of course, is one of the corner stones of integrative medicine - that it is free of any long-term negative impact, thus following Hippocrates' dictum for physicians: "Above all, do no harm."  So, I will continue to happily make use of my own medicines and prescribe and apply them with confidence.

The clinical experience of 10 years has proved right their essential goodness.  Which is why satisfied clients keep referring the place, and people keep coming.  Nobody is a fool all the time.  People just don't like to waste their money for alternative treatment modalities when they don't work... although they might be ill-informed enough to waste it on ineffective conventional treatments (like statin tablets) that only produce horrendous side effects.  As an integrative physician I don't have the freedom to err too much.  My medicine has to help my clients, otherwise they will stay away.

Taking my own medicine for the purpose of prevention helps me understand better.
