Contact Us

Please first E-mail all your enquiries related to bookings and other, then if you still would like to speak to someone we will receive your call.

Healthy Healing Center
57 Barros Vaddo,
Sangolda, Bardez, Goa,
403511, India

+91 9823094620 for calls, Whatsapp and Telegram


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Before starting with a round of comprehensive detoxification treatments at Healthy Healing, I had been bothered with chronic constipation for nearly two years. I had put on a great deal of weight, and no matter how I tried to diet I could not lose it. I felt bloated and seemed to be retaining a lot of fluid also. I felt very tired and had very low energy. Even my thinking had turned negative and a definite level of victim consciousness had crept in… I am so impressed with the results that I plan to take more treatments in the future and intend to make regular detoxification part of my health regime. So, this only leaves me having to say “Thank You” Dr. Shikha at Healthy Healing.