Stem Cell Peel

The aim is better skin health or better looks, in some cases a bit of both.

Either way, this advanced peel is administered in a medical procedure, even when used for esthetic purposes. However, its action is far more comprehensive than other medical peels applied by dermatologists worldwide. Operating in two phases, stem cell peel not only frees the surface from layers of dead cells (many peels do that, too), it likewise supports the growth of new epidermal cells, which ordinary peels cannot achieve. The stem cell peel indeed rejuvenates the dermis and stimulates collagen synthesis.

Finally, due to the active ingredient extracted through nano technology from green apple stem cells, our stem cell peel increases the lifespan of the skin’s own stem cells, thereby improving skin hydration and as a result the tone, look and feel of the skin. It is unique and makes you feel unique.

Before starting with a round of comprehensive detoxification treatments at Healthy Healing, I had been bothered with chronic constipation for nearly two years. I had put on a great deal of weight, and no matter how I tried to diet I could not lose it. I felt bloated and seemed to be retaining a lot of fluid also. I felt very tired and had very low energy. Even my thinking had turned negative and a definite level of victim consciousness had crept in… I am so impressed with the results that I plan to take more treatments in the future and intend to make regular detoxification part of my health regime. So, this only leaves me having to say “Thank You” Dr. Shikha at Healthy Healing.